Status of 2018 last LBH Algae Treatments

This is just a quick update to let you know that the last Lake Blue Heron Algae Treatment for 2018 is still pending improvement in lake water/weather conditions. Charlie Messing is the person who monitors and applies the treatments. Here is his latest input…

Please pass this information to the other lake front homeowners..

The weather has been terribly wet and lake water has been flowing over the spillway for the past 30 days.  The herbicide must stay in the lake for 2-3 days without “dilution”…

I’m checking every week or talking with Greg about the flow conditions…We will spray in front of every lake front home owner as soon as it warms a little more and the rain stops for a few days.  Unfortunately, more rain is expected for the next several days..

When ” spray conditions” are good we will spray all lake front properties with homes.

Regards, Charlie