The Friends
If you are here, you too can join the Friends. As you can see from the map, Lake Blue Heron (identified here as “Upper Dianne Lake” in the center of the map) is the forth lake in the Killearn Lakes Plantation and Golden Eagle chain of lakes. Because of it’s shallow depth, all of the nutrients entering the lake from the estimated “shaded” water shed region are concentrated in a very “hospitable invasive plant/algae” space.
Our Story
In the fall of 2018, concerned members of the Killearn Lakes Plantation Homeowners Association, Golden Eagle Homeowners Association, Golden Eagle Country Club Management, and local residents surrounding Lake Blue Heron joined together to form the “Friends of Lake Blue Heron” steering committee. This committee works closely with Charlie Messing, a local environmental engineer, who has been involved in lake management in this area for more than 30 years.
Together this team meets regularly to construct environmental treatment plans to balance the quality of life within the region as impacted by the waters of Lake Blue Heron. These plans include invasive weed and algae controls, promotion of desirable plant growth, design of water management infrastructure, nutrient controls, and more.