Update From Charlie Mesing

Please read the following excellent update from Charlie…


We completed the first Filamentous (F.) algae lake-wide treatment in Lake Blue Heron today.  Unfortunately, F. algae was present in much of the lake in water depths from 0.5 ft – 6 ft.  I sampled with a barbed hook while discharging the herbicide from our boat.  My previous observations a few weeks ago (April 6th) suggested coverage was less than the same time last year.  This lake-wide treatment was completed in just 1 day because of cooler water temperatures than expected, high dissolved oxygen values were excellent for herbicide treatment, and amount of F. algae killed would not create low oxygen levels at this time ..Finally, F. algae was expanding rapidly since my observations on April 6th.

We conducted multiple herbicide treatments in front of homes where the F. algae was most dense… Of course the worst areas were the two shallow upper ends of the lake and the canal near the golf range.. It is my hope that this treatment will “knock” back the F. algae for 4-6 weeks before another treatment is needed based on the results of this first treatment…..

Unfortunately, I will be out of town for the next 3 weeks, but my associate, Andy, will visit the lake in the next 3-5 days to assess the impact of this first treatment.  I will still be doing email and taking phones calls as needed.  It generally takes 2-4 days for chelated copper herbicide (Cutrine Ultra) to impact F. algae.. Our late December Cutrine Ultra treatment was very effective in killing the F. algae and controlling growth during early winter and spring..

A final note, the shoreline aquatic vegetation is expanding and filamentous algae cannot grow where there are established vascular shoreline aquatic plants such as Panicum, torpedo grass, pickerel weed and others emergent plants.. I want to encourage ALL lake front homeowners in Lake Blue Heron to establish a 5 -10 ft aquatic plant buffer along their shoreline which will help prohibit F. algae growth..

After I return, we can discus the first treatment results and develop a plan to hopefully further reduce F. algae growth and expansion.

I look forward to working with both HOA Boards and HOAs to beautify Lake Blue Heron and control Filamentous Algae from covering the entire lake as we have experienced previously…..

Thanks for all the support from LBH residents who live on the lake, especially Fred Schmidt, Robert Meinhardt, and Gerald Terraforma for establishing our “Friends of Lake Blue Heron”….


Charlie Mesing

1 thought on “Update From Charlie Mesing”

  1. We really appreciate what Charlie and Andy and the Friends of Lake Blue Heron are doing for Lake Blue Heron. THANKS!!
    Gene and Ginny Densmore

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